Youth Discipleship is the mainstay in the Prince of Peace community of disciples through which teens will encounter Christ.
Our teens become disciples by living the Christian life within a small group, through the guidance of adult mentors, and accepting invitations to robust ministry events focused on Christ and Community.
Youth Discipleship is for…
Middle School (7th-8th grade)
High School (9th-12th grade)
Youth Discipleship Amazon Wishlist
Social Media
- Instagram – @princeofpeacenm_youth
- Remind Texting – High School text @hspeace to 81010
- Remind Texting – Middle School text @princems to 81010
Registration Forms
The Faith Formation registration fee is $40.00 per student or $90.00 per family. Please make your check payable to: Prince of Peace Parish. Parents must complete three forms: registration, media release, and medical treatment release. Return all three forms, along with payment, to the parish office. Tuition scholarships are available.
Youth Discipleship Registration Packet 2024-2025
Medical Release Form 2024-2025
Diocese of Grand Rapids Media Release Form
High School Discipleship Schedule 2024-2025
Middle School Discipleship Schedule 2024-2025
Youth Trip Registration Forms

All volunteers, 18 years or older, who have access to youth or vulnerable adults, are required to attend a one-time Virtus Protecting God’s Children training and complete documentation. Click here to access information, policies and forms.
Theresa Andary
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
(231) 719-1760