Our Mission
Our mission is to be Jesus to others, to our community, our Parish and our sister Parish in Haiti. To share the gifts we are given with others. To lead by example, to offer spiritual guidance to those we assist. And to provide opportunities for others to share of themselves and their gifts. We support all Catholic Charities Programs and all the agencies in Muskegon County to assist those in need. We are members of Northside Churches and support monthly food trucks. We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm for about one hour.

Funeral Luncheons
When a death occurs in the parish this ministry offers a luncheon after the funeral Mass if the family desires this ministry. Several women call parishioners for donations of food. Volunteers are needed to call parishioners for food or to set up the hall, warm the food, make coffee, etc. There is also clean-up to do afterward. Ongoing help is needed in this ministry.
If you would like to help in this invaluable service to our parishioners please contact Shirley Plymale at (231) 744-9367.
Bereavement Ministry
Our bereavement group offers support to families who have lost loved ones by their presence at the funeral home and church. We are there to offer prayer and compassion throughout the process. Sometimes those grieving need only a “hug” to silently say “I care.”
If you have been there and are willing to share with others please call Marge Stidham at (231) 744-1780 to offer your services.
Click here for the Funeral Planning Guide.
Click here for the Catholic Funeral Planning Guide.
Click here for the Funeral Liturgy Planner.
Haiti Outreach
Haiti Outreach is a ministry of love to the people in Jean Rabel, Haiti, especially to our brothers and sisters at St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Church. Our church developed a twining relationship with them that involves hope and prayer for each other. We also try to help them where we can; financially and especially in the area of education. They in turn have greatly inspired us with there strong uplifting spirits and their unwavering love and trust in God in spite of difficult circumstances.
For more info contact Mike & Judy Wozny at (231)744-2715 or mswoz@comcast.net.
Respect Life
Respect Life is a ministry dedicated to the principal that life is sacred from conception to natural death, and to overcoming the culture of death. Our goal is to raise awareness at Prince of Peace on all Respect Life issues and to work with and support various life groups and agencies in the community. We meet every month September through May. Information is shared on relevant life issues including state or national legislature pertinent to promoting the culture of life.
For more info contact Marie Farage at (616)334-3141 or Maurene Schumann at lpschumann@charter.net.
Senior Outreach
Senior Outreach promotes activities for the members of Prince of Peace who are 55+ years of age. Current activities include six senior breakfasts. Breakfasts are advertised in the bulletin and are held the first Wednesday of October, November, December, March, April and May following the 8 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve these breakfasts. We currently need younger volunteers (calling ages 15-50 PLEASE HELP!) so our current volunteers can enjoy their senior breakfast! We host four parties at Northcrest/Robbinswood Living Centre; October: Harvest Party, December: Christmas Party, March: St. Patrick’s Day Party and May: Spring Party. Volunteers provide residents with party favors, treats and beverages, music and fellowship. Volunteers warmly welcomed (men and women) and your ideas and information shared. We are currently looking for a couple or individual to facilitate this ministry.
If you think you may be interested please contact Barb Perri at (231) 744-5445 or pop.cm@catholicweb.com.
For more information on any of our Christian Outreach activities, please contact Hugh White at (231)744-2471 or awktion@aol.com.