Many Hands Make Light Work!
The love of Christ is born out in the various ministries of the parish. Below outline is a summary of the various service opportunities and activities of the parish.
The parish continually initiates outreach efforts to both our local as well as distant communities. Information is provided on a variety of outreach activities and how to get involved. Click here to visit the Christian Outreach page. Developing community within the parish is vital to spiritual growth. Community creates a sense of family. As a family, a parish is able to combine resources and talents to further reach the community in which it lives. Click here to visit the Christian Life page. Much of the behind the scenes work is done to keep the parish running smoothly. Click here to visit the Council page.Christian Outreach
Christian Life
A vibrant and vital ministry is that conducted by music ministers. More information is available in the menu above to find out about the various choir opportunities, both instrument, bell and voice. Click here to visit the Music Ministry page. Central to parish life is the celebration of the Mass which is fundamentally different than a religious service. Worship ministries include liturgy planning as well as altar servers training, as well as other important areas needed to help bring our liturgies to life at each Mass. Click here to visit the Worship & Spiritual Life Ministry page.Music Ministry
Worship & Spiritual Life Ministry