Worship & Spiritual Life

Altar Servers

Altar Linen Care


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion


Liturgy Planning




In cooperation with the Pastor this ministry works to insure all liturgical services keep true to the GIRM (General Instructions of the Roman Missal) and other church documents.

We assure all lay ministers are trained and prepared to fulfill their chosen role of service to our parish. We strive for a spiritually vibrant atmosphere and plan and carry out special seasonal liturgies with the Environment Committee. High school age through adult, male and female welcome to help with single church seasons, as previously mentioned in environment ministry or year round basis. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, September through June.

For more information, please contact Co-Chairs, LouAnn Mrotz at (231) 894-1225 or Marilyn Sondy at (231) 744-5647.